LOCATION: 1458 President st. (ground floor entrance) between Kingston & Albany ave,
Fees for classes:
$18 per class
$60 for 4 classes (expires after 6 weeks)
$110 for 8 classes (expires after 10 weeks)
$60 for 4 classes (expires after 6 weeks)
$110 for 8 classes (expires after 10 weeks)
$12 per class
$12 per class
$100 for 10 classes
*Interested in a class but don't see it on the schedule?
*Interested in a class but don't see it on the schedule?
Personalized Fitness Classes available upon demand. Exercise the way you want, when you want, in the privacy of your own home!
For pricing and other information contact:
crownheightsfitness@gmail.com / 214. 934. 9331